Temporary Workforce Solutions

Atlas Professionals is ready to safeguard the integrity of your operations with Contingent Workforce Solutions. Ad hoc in nature, we know time is of the essence and aware that the importance of securing the right personnel for the right position relatively fast is a challenge, but it is one we excel at.

Reliable Access to Contingent Workforce

Atlas Professionals has 40 years’ worth of experience when it comes to ensuring the right Professional gets introduced to the right job – however we also know that life is full of surprises, whether pleasant or not. That is why we offer dedicated emergency Temporary Workforce Solutions for our Clients in need of urgent assistance to help mitigate any issues that might arise due to matters related to their personnel. 

Thanks to our ability to provide temporary staffing solutions with rotations aligning with your current crewing patterns, our Temporary Workforce Solutions ensure that the work gets done in a safe, efficient, and compliant manner even if you are faced with a surprise. Atlas Professionals understands every operation is unique and needs bespoke business solutions to succeed, and that is why, even under most demanding conditions, we run rigorous checks to provide you with the most suitable candidate so we can be certain that each Professional is the right one for the task ahead. Atlas Professionals also takes great care to be your partner in compliance and has a dedicated legal team to finalize this process within the applicable regulatory framework in a reliable and timely manner.

Atlas Professionals goes above & beyond

Atlas Professionals responds to your needs in a fast and reliable manner

Solid process of recruitment and verification, we are here for you 24/7

Each Professional is carefully selected from our international pool of talent

Tailored Contingent Workforce Service

Atlas Professionals is ready to assist your business during the most demanding times and immediately assumes the position of a reliable provider when you need us the most. With offices in a diverse range of countries across the globe and established business relations in even more, Atlas Professionals has access to a databank of a wide range of skilled Professionals; allowing your organisation to secure contingent workforce in an efficient, compliant and timely manner. Just like our other services, our Professionals joining your organisation under Temporary Workforce Solutions enjoy full advantage of being part of the Atlas Professionals family, such as handling travel requirements, PPE, accommodation, and visas – if necessary. 

Atlas Professionals also realizes how short-term introductions can lead to successful partnerships between our skilled Professionals and your organisation. That is why we are also facilitating their long-term commitment after or during their contingent duty by arranging their permanent placement. As we maintain our dedication to go above and beyond for our Clients, Atlas Professionals continues to be your best business partner for Temporary Workforce Solutions.